Monday, November 29, 2010

More from opening night party....

 Josh and Joe Tokarz
 Josh and Cooper Groden
 Josh and Shawna Hamic (Mme. Thenardier)
Josh and Julie Benko
 Josh and Chasten Harmon ( Eponine)
JosE and Jeremy Hays (Enjolras)

Opening Night Party Broadway World Pics.

Opening Night Party New Jersey

Katherine Forrester Little Cosette/Little Eponine
 Josh on the red carpet!
Josh and Cameron Mackintosh
 Lewis, Aliya, Josh and Anastasia
The party was amazing! Here are some pics we took! Enjoy!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Paper Mill Playhouse Run from Nov.19th thru Dec. 30th.

Hi all!!! I thought Josh needed his own blog for his adventure. Rehearsals have been great...Josh's first preview show is: 

Saturday, Nov. 20th at 7pm!!! 

I will post his full Paper Mill Playhouse schedule as soon as I have it.  But for now here are Josh's cast mates!

Lunch Break!

Happy Halloween!!
Silly Faces!!!