Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A few more from Jungle Island....

 Josh and his new friend, the wild boar.
 A very large turtle...
 Josh, Anastasia and Alyia

 Josh and his new coconut head!
Josh and Anastasia's new coconut heads!

Field Trip to Jungle Island in Miami much FUN!!!!

Thank you to Tina and Steve (Aliya's parents) for arranging this wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

first plane ride...and welcome to ft lauderdale and the broward centre!

Down the street from the cool.

First preview night!
The pool on the beach  at our hotel.
The our hotel.

Smile Josh
Josh took a picture of the palm trees!
View at dinner.
View at dinner.
Waiting for half hour call
Stage Door at the Broward Centre
 Josh and Anastasia....from Philly to Ft Lauderdale
Congrats to your first plane ride Josh!!!

bye bye philly.....hello first plane ride EVER....

Academy of Music Philadelphia, PA.

Friday, January 14, 2011