Wednesday, February 16, 2011

More from Chicago....

Happy Valentine's Day from Chicago. Mag Mile, Rain Forest Cafe and the movies!

 Rain Forest Cafe
 Katherine and Josh

 Alligator Drinks....
 Volcano Desert!
Magnificent Mile

The Lego Store

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Press" Meet and Greet" after Josh's performance on Tuesday.....

 Josh and his Shirley Temple

 Josh and Katherine
 Josh and the amazing Ron Sharpe....Jean ValJean

 Anastasia, Josh and Katherine

 Josh and Anastasia
Josh and Aliya

Saturday, February 5, 2011

......Hello Chicago....we're back!!!

 Cadillac Palace Theatre Chicago

 Doughnut face!

Josh asking questions about the ammunition for the guns and fuel for the torches.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Here's what the press is saying..............................


"Gavroche, the small boy who joins the uprising in San Michelle, is always a favorite and Josh Caggiano brings  to the role a spunk that is as endearing as it is sad." 


Josh Caggiano(Gavroche)is an utter delight as the cheeky street urchin.


"Its 1832 and the students see the deprivation of the poor in Paris as the beggars and young Gavroche (Josh Caggiano) lament in “Look Down.”'

Southern Florida by John Lariviere

Les Misèrables
Talking Broadway 

An all too brief appearance is made by Josh Caggiano as Gavroche. In that time he proves himself a delightfully talented young singer and actor. Unfortunately, the song "Little People" has been cut in this version of the show, so we don't get as much of him as we'd like."
**Please note, as I have been asked this a lot...."Little People" has not been cut from the show has been split between two different scenes, as this show is a re-imagination of the original version.**

The rest of Ft. Lauderdale Pics.....

 Josh and his new hat!
 You know he will talk to anyone that will listen!
 Broward Center Ft Lauderdale

 Signing autographs after a talk back.
 um...yeah not really sure.
 Anastasia's Birthday!!!

 Josh and Katherine on the beach!!

 Roni came for a visit!!
 A pelican and seagull!
 My beautiful girl!
Daddy and Roni .....